DIY Loader Weight Scale

Arduino Hydraulic Scale

Leverage a hydraulic pressure sensor to convert your tractor's loader into a precise weight measurement system.  Using off the shelf open source hardware and software.  We carefully constructed a waterproof PVC electrical enclosure to ensure durability and protection for our components. Inside, we installed an Arduino Pro Mini, which serves as the brain of our project. After successfully uploading our software we meticulously connected all the necessary wiring to both the power source and the sensor, ensuring everything was set up for optimal performance.

Parts - Bill of Materials

Source Code


Bluetooth Serial Terminal

Link to android app:
Link to config file:

Steps to Building a DIY Loader Scale

  1. Gather necessary components: Refer to the expanded BOM for a complete list.
  2. Assemble the hardware: Connect the pressure sensor to the microcontroller, along with any other required components.
  3. Write or modify software: Use the Arduino IDE or a custom programming environment to create or adapt software for the scale.
  4. Test the scale: Calibrate the pressure sensor and ensure accurate weight measurements.
  5. Integrate with a display (optional): If desired, connect a display to show the weight measurements.
  6. Enclose the scale (optional): Protect the components from the elements with a suitable enclosure.
  7. Test and refine: Continue testing and making adjustments as needed.

Assemble the hardware

  1. Mount components into enclosure: If using an enclosure, securely mount the microcontroller, pressure sensor, and any other components inside.
  2. Connect the pressure sensor to the microcontroller: Refer to the sensor's datasheet for specific connection instructions.
  3. Connect any other required components: Connect the power supply, display, and other components as needed.
  4. Ensure secure connections and proper wiring: Double-check all connections to avoid errors.

Upload software

  1. Install Arduino IDE: Download and install the latest version of Arduino IDE from
  2. Connect the microcontroller: Connect your Arduino Pro Mini to your computer using a programming cable
  3. Verify the connection: Open Arduino IDE and go to Tools > Board and select the correct board for your Arduino Pro Mini (e.g., "Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHz"). Then, go to Tools > Port and select the correct serial port.
  4. Create a new project: Go to File > New to create a new sketch.
  5. Upload the source code from:

Troubleshooting Guide 

Based on the components and steps outlined in the previous steps, here are some potential troubleshooting scenarios and solutions:

Hardware-Related Issues

  • Incorrect connections: Double-check all connections between the microcontroller, pressure sensor, display, and other components. Ensure that wires are securely connected and that the correct pins are used.
  • Power supply issues: Verify that the power supply is providing the correct voltage and current. Check for any loose connections or damaged cables.
  • Sensor malfunction: If the pressure sensor is not reading correctly, check its calibration and ensure it's not damaged. Consult the sensor's datasheet for troubleshooting guidelines.
  • Component failures: If a component (e.g., microcontroller, display) is not functioning properly, try replacing it with a known working one.

Software-Related Issues

  • Incorrect code: Review your code for any syntax errors, logical errors, or incorrect calculations. Refer to the Arduino documentation or online resources for help.
  • Library conflicts: If you're using multiple libraries, ensure they are compatible and that there are no conflicts.
  • Serial communication issues: If you're using serial communication to connect components, check the baud rate settings and ensure proper data transmission.
  • Software bugs: If you encounter unexpected behavior, try isolating the issue by commenting out sections of your code or simplifying the functionality.

General Troubleshooting Tips

  • Check for loose connections: Ensure that all connections are secure, especially for components that are subjected to vibrations or movement.
  • Verify power supply: Use a multimeter to measure the voltage and current being supplied to the components.
  • Test components individually: If possible, test components individually to isolate the problem.
  • Consult online resources: Search for troubleshooting information related to your specific components or microcontroller.
  • Seek help from the community: If you're still unable to resolve the issue, reach out to online forums or communities for assistance.

Calibrating the DIY Loader Scale

Calibration is a crucial step to ensure accurate weight measurements with your DIY loader scale. Here's a step-by-step guide based on the software and industry best practices:

Gather Necessary Equipment

  • Obtain a set of known weights that cover the expected range of your scale.
  • Ensure the loader bucket is empty and clean.
  • Edit source code to reflect the weight of the calibration weight you are using.

Prepare the Scale and Hydraulic System  

  • Ensure proper setup: Make sure the pressure sensor is properly mounted and the hydraulic system is functioning correctly.
  • Warm-up period: Allow the hydraulic system to stabilize for a specified period to minimize any temperature-related drift.

Calibrate the Scale with Weights  

  • Place calibration weights: Load the calibration weights into the loader bucket.
  • Record readings: Note the weight displayed on the scale.
  • Compare and adjust: Compare the scale's readings to the known weights and adjust the calibration parameters in the software if necessary.

Evaluate and Refine

  • Repeat calibration: Repeat the calibration process with different weights to ensure accuracy across the entire measurement range.
  • Analyze data: Evaluate the calibration data to identify any trends or inconsistencies.
  • Refine calibration: Make further adjustments to the calibration parameters if needed.

Additional Considerations

  • Hydraulic system factors: Consider factors such as hydraulic fluid viscosity, temperature, and system pressure that can affect the pressure sensor's readings.
  • Loader bucket factors: Ensure the loader bucket is properly balanced and free from any obstructions that could affect weight measurements.
  • Environmental factors: Be aware of environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity) that can influence the scale's performance.

Serial Commands


 Zero Scale


 Calculate sum of sored values.


 Store current value in memory.


 Delete last stored value


 Clear stored values


 Display current calibrated reading.

Entering a number

 Entering a number into the terminal causes the unit to calculate a new calibration value based on the entered value.  Then storing this value to eeprom.

Version 2 Hardware Upgrades